A difficult life is not less worth living than a gentle one.

Andrea Gibson

I offer online couples counseling and individual psychotherapy to people living in California.

I specialize in working with the LGBTQ+ community, especially people who are longing for intimacy, but feel like their past trauma is holding them back.

I’m also a cynical idealist. I don’t usually feel optimistic about the state of the world but I know it’s still possible to find glimmers of joy and nourishing relationships.

I want our work together to empower you so you can find out what makes your unique life worth living. You can learn to trust yourself. You can weather the storms of a difficult life without losing hope.

Hi, I’m Josephine.

  • Sex Therapy

    Explore your sexuality and gender identity in a sex positive, kink + BDSM friendly space. Navigate relationship dynamics including polyamory and opening up. Process sexual trauma and release shame to embody your most exciting and satisfying sex life.

  • Relationship Therapy

    Informed by my training in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) I help couples reconnect emotionally, learn better communication skills, and improve intimacy so they can build an enduring and loving relationship grounded in trust and honesty.

  • Group Therapy

    Channeling my past life as a trauma-informed yoga instructor, I facilitate trauma focused groups for queer folks with a focus on providing bisexual affirming therapy. Groups include peer support, somatic skills learning, and identity + narrative work.